[Midnight Rambling] Near That Christmas Tree

Picture was taken from here.

Near that Christmas tree
We took a sip of our red wine
Having a long conversation
I made an observation

Near that Christmas tree
We lied on the couch
Feeling your lips on mine
Feeling your hands, legs, body
Feeling you

Near that Christmas tree
We cuddled, were supposed to have a pillow talk
You didn't need to say anything
For it's all represented on your eyes

Near that Christmas tree
You hugged me in tears
As my hand reached to the knife under the couch
You were sorry, it was late

Near that Christmas tree
I stabbed you multiple times in the back
Smell of fresh blood slowly filled the atmosphere

Near that Christmas tree
You said you loved me for the last time
I loved you.... not
For cheating on me

Near that Christmas tree
At that night
Murder never felt so easy

P.S. :
I think that creepy side of me just made its comeback, lol. If you know me, I really like this gloomy-creepy mood kinda story. I was confused about whether to make it a poem or a short story. But since I'm still crazy hectic with final exams, so poem it is. And I don't think this rambling (if you don't consider it as a poem) has such strong diction, but I freakinnnn love the idea of this writing, hehe. Hope you enjoy ;)


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