About Me

Let's be honest. I barely know what should I put in this section, how much information that's proper enough to share here.

Or should I say, I just have no idea what to describe about myself?

Well, I'll try, though. For the sake of that 'blogger thing'.
But I warned you. This is going to be random.

I love books.
Books inspire me a lot. I've fluently read alphabets since 4.
And fallen in love with books ever since.
Most of my readings are mystery, because mediocre love stories are just too lame.
I love detective stories, along with the tragedies.
But don't get me wrong.
I also read stories about family, about life, and certain funny stories.
And by funny stories, I refer to those dark humor ones.
I read romance stories too, though. Sometimes.
But too bad, only few romance writers have successfully impressed me.

I love nature.
I prefer mountain to beach.
Forest to sea.
Meadow to flower garden.
I love to stare at the bright sunny sky.
Or at the dark black night with those little shiny dots spread on it.
When I see nature, I see God's reflection in it. How could we not?

I love green tea.
Actually I favor almost all of tea flavors.
But green tea is indeed my favorite.
I love everything green tea.
Bread, cake, candy, drink, coffee, ice cream, you name it.
I wonder if this is one of the reasons I like green color.

I love music.
From bluegrass to rock.
From folk to pop punk.
From classic to reggae.
One thing not everyone know about me is my guitar playing skill.

It is bad, lol.

We're almost at the end of my About Me section.
If you read this, I assume you do have interest to know more about me.
Now, I suggest you to read my posts. All of them.
Because every writing reflects part of me.

A part of the moody me.
A part of the optimistic me.
A part of the gloomy me.
A part of the sadistic me.
A part of the joyful me.

This is the only place where I'd be comfortable enough to be my truest self.
Even when I said I got inspired from else where, it still represents who I am.
Some would reveal the true me, the deepest and darkest secret no one ever knows.

Good luck.


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