[Midnight Rambling] October 14th

It was a magical October 14th
It was your first ‘i love you’ echoing
I could see those words in low pitch
Made me didn’t hear the rest of ur speech

The next day we met after school
Missing you feels like against the rule
Said you left then you came again
What a sweet memory under the rain

But then you let my heart shattered
I was too young that I misinterpret
You’re too young to make your own voice
So we went separate choices

Took me 5 years to move on
16 years has passed and life still goes on
You chase your dream, I chase mine
I am proud of us and it’s fine

My heart once bled but we are fine now
And it’s still the magical October 14th we vowed


Fun fact: First, I did write it on October 14th last year, out of nowhere. Second, it is like a poem but actually there is a story line there. Go read it again.


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