[Midnight Rambling] End of Story

The picture was taken from here.

So that's it
That's the end of our story
I hesitate a little when I said it ended
I mean, how could it end when we never even start one
But yea~

I think sometimes life and world can be so cruel
Flying me high
Then falling me without any early notice
Throwing me into that big black hole
And yes I'm talking about you leaving me

I know i'm gonna cry a lot
And swear a lot
I'm gonna always look back to all of our memories
I'm gonna feel all this scars wherever I walk
And be frustrated to get rid you out of my thoughts
I'm even gonna do harm to myself sometimes
That's the urge
By default

But then one day
I'm gonna continue with life
I'm gonna look forward
I'm gonna be okay with everything we were in
I'm gonna be happy again on my own
I'm gonna reborn to this independent, self made woman
Like just before I met you

If you asked me if this was your fault
It was not
It ain't mine too
We just never found our intersections
But it probably that makes the goodbye feel more painful
When it is nobody's fault

September 19, 2018



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