Emang Kamu Cina?

Gambar diambil dari sini.

Saya selalu percaya bahwa perkataan adalah salah satu indikator baik atau tidaknya manner seseorang. Saya sangat sering menemukan yang baik. Tapi yang tidak baik...well, sadly, masih banyak juga.

Seperti cerita yang akan saya kisahkan setelah ini.

Demi menjaga identitas yang bersangkutan, saya tidak akan mendeskripsikan situasi secara detil. :)

Bahkan kayaknya saya bakal ceritakan secara samar aja hehehe.

Kisah ini terjadi ketika saya sedang makan bersama seorang teman. Sebut aja dia A.  Selain kami ada orang lain di situ (mari sebut dia B) yang duduk makan bersama kami. Ada satu momen di mana A, teman saya yang usianya lebih muda dari saya, hendak pergi sebentar ke tempat lain. Ia lantas memberitahukan kepada saya, "Sebentar ya, Ci."

Itu panggilan untuk kakak perempuan yang lebih tua. Berhubung kami sama-sama keturunan Tionghoa, A terbiasa memanggil saya dengan sebutan "cicik".

Selepas kepergian A, si B (who barely knows me) langsung bilang, "Emang kamu Cina?"

Well, I must say, there was something I didn't like from the way she asked.

I replied calmly, "Iya."

B tidak berhenti sampai di sana. Tanpa rasa bersalah dia bertanya lagi (dengan volume suara yang tidak lebih kecil dari sebelumnya), "Kok nggak keliatan dari mukanya?"

Dude, I found it rude!

Okay, to make this clear, I am proud to be born as a Chinese descent. And I am undoubtedly happy with my face, as I don't think there is something wrong with it.

But being asked that kinda question by someone I barely know is nothing but insult to me. Maybe I'm overly sensitive. Maybe I was overreacted.

But man, let me tell you something. B wasn't the first person who asked that question. I've got it so many times before and never felt offended.

And after a long thinking, I think I know the reasons. First of all, B isn't someone I'm close to. We only know each other by names. A lot of people know this fact (that I am a chinese descent) and don't ask the question in a way that made me pissed off, thus makes me think there's something wrong with this person. Secondly, The question was asked in public, loudly...which is inappropriate for me. Everyone could hear it, for God's sake. Thirdly, the way B asked me somewhat had most contribution to annoy me, the way she had her chin up while asking, her volume and intonation while asking me.

And please don't tell me that it is the way she normally talks, because it is not. The way she talked to my friend, A, before were so much different.

So yea...

It might be her hating me or it's just me being too sensitive. What do you think?

Tapi biar bagaimana pun, saya rasa ke-kurang-sopan-an B dan ke-sensitif-an saya saling berbagi 50% kontribusi kekesalan di hati saya. Seharusnya dia bisa bertanya dengan lebih sopan. Dan semestinya saya bisa lebih take it easy menanggapinya. After all, she just asked.

But writing this does bring positive vibes to me. It'll always be my therapy. And now, I feel nothing at all towards B. Udah biasa aja. :)

Moral of the story? Find your own therapy to manage the anger. People nowadays need that.



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